When we got to the overlook on November 6 we couldn't see the town, the rivers, or the bridges – everything was blocked by heavy fog. Strangely, fog wasn't mentioned in the weather report and it was clear on our drive over, and we didn't notice anything on the hike up either. Later, I realized perhaps only the mountain tops were shrouded by fog as indicated by some of the images on this page, and that's likely why once the fog started dissipating it was completely gone in minutes. The fog helped produce some interesting images.


The fog is moving fast and varies a lot. This is a moment when it is thin and the Sun which just rose shines through it.


My shadow in the fog, complete with halo. To be clear, there is nothing but air and it's hundreds of feet above ground where the shadow is. It is the first time I've ever seen something like this.


Heavy fog turns the Sun into the Moon.


This opening in the fog allows a quick glimpse of the town.


The fast moving fog caused many hard transitions between foggy and fogless areas in the stitched panorama. Perhaps it can be mitigated with post-processing, but there are a good number of them so I didn't attempt. Still, this is the most interesting image from all six trips. While the fog has started dissipating, it shows what's remaining of it concentrated on mountain tops. The fog certainly also adds another dimension to the image.


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