All rights reserved © Y. Xing

I planned making this Milky Way image with the Toms Cover Visitor Center in the foreground. The night started with me shooting on the beach which is the one place safe from mosquitoes thanks to the constant breeze. Then I moved to the visitor center which is just a few minutes away. I knew I would get bitten by mosquitoes and I was mentally prepared for that, thinking I'd take the shots I needed as fast I could and be back on the beach in about 10 -15 minutes and it shouldn't be too bad. Wrong! It was as I expected initially – I could hear them swarming around me and started getting bites. I wrapped up quickly and headed back the beach. But many mosquitoes followed me all the way which is unbelievable! I had my bike and the small cargo cart that carried my gears including the bag next to me. It must be what enabled them to keep attacking me on the beach for the next 20 – 30 minutes while I waited for a sequence of shots to finish. They'd find shelter from the wind in/around the cart when they got tired, then came back out to continue the attack. I fled after that sequence was done, and paddled the bike as fast as I could, only then did the attack stop because they could no longer keep up. I ended up with at least 20 -30 bites on the back of my neck, back of my hands, upper arms, and my shoulders, and it took weeks for the marks to disappear completely.


Aperture: Shutter:
ISO: Flash:
FL: 35 mmLens: SP 150-600MM F/5-6.3 Di VC USD

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