Geminid meteor shower, Big Meadows, Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park,December 13.

I started taking interest in shooting meteor showers a few years ago. I have been aiming for the major ones (Perseids in August and Geminids in December) and planned to go at least three times, but each time it was thwarted by bad weather. It kind of happened again this time with the Geminids. The peak was on the night of December 13 and the morning of 14. I started watching weather forecast 10 days prior, and it was depressing to see things go from bad (cloudy) to worse (rain and snow), not only for the 13th but for both the days before and after. It was only on the 12th that the forecast for that night started changing for the better (but not for the 13th), and I had a decision to make – to go or not to go. Geminids usually produces about 100 meteors/hour or more on its peak night. The number decreases significantly off peak, but on the night before (the 12th, ~50 meteors/hour) it is still at a much higher rate than minor showers. I'd at least shoot it behind my house if nothing else. The question was whether to still go to Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park which was my planned trip for the peak night. It is a place with two levels less light pollution than where I live, but it's 2-hour away. In the pandemic even such a short trip could be a logistic nightmare (restroom stops etc.). There was also still uncertainties with the weather – the service I used didn't have a data point for the exact location and I could only guess based on the forecast for two nearby towns. Big Meadows being in the mountains only adds to the unpredictability. In the end I decided to go and I'm so glad I did (and according to the weather service it didn't end up getting much better on the 13th)! I got there before 11:00PM and the sky was almost completely clear. The moment I stepped out the car two meteors shot over high in the sky. I set up as quickly as I could and started shooting, and stayed until 6:00AM the next morning. I saw easily 50+ meteors, and together the two cameras captured more than 130. It was quite a show. The downside was having to sift through 2000 images and process them. My only real complaint was the wind. I'd say it was gusting likely over 20 miles/hour. It constantly shook my setup which is evident in the star trails of the image with the tree in the foreground. But overall I'm really happy with what I'm able to get out of it. This was non-peak and I can only imagine how much more spectacular 100 meteors/hour will be – can't wait to see one!

我两三年前就开始对拍流星雨感兴趣了,至少有三次计划去拍(每年8月的英仙座或者12月的双子座是流星比较密集的),但每次都是天公不作美。这次的双子座也算是如此吧。峰值在12月13日晚到14日凌晨。我提前十天就开始刷天气预报,结果12号到14号的天气是从有云变成了多云再到有雨、雪。12日早上刷的时候出现了转机,预告当晚会从多云转晴,但13日还是没起色。峰值是110颗/小时,提前一天降到了不到50颗/小时。原本的计划是峰值夜去香浓国家公园的大草地,那儿的光污染要低两档,但单程要两个小时,而且在疫情时节上厕所之类的很麻烦。此外山里的天气多变,可能到了那儿又另外一个样儿了。是在家凑合照,还是为这50颗/小时押宝跑这一趟呢?最后的决定还是去,结果很值得(最终13日的天气也没好转太多)。到那儿将近11点,天上基本无云。刚从车里出来头上就划过两颗流星。赶快架起来开始照,一直照到了第二天凌晨6点。怎么也得看到了不只50颗流星吧,相机拍到了超过130颗。人很兴奋,毕竟是第一次看到这么密集的流星,没觉得怎么着7个小时就过去了。相对的就是得筛选和处理2000多张照片。真说有什么不理想就是风太大了,我觉得阵风得超过30公里/小时。三脚架和相机被吹的直颤,从前景是树的那张星轨都能看出来。但总的来说我对结果还是很满意的。这还不是峰值,只能想象100颗/小时该是怎样的绚烂 - 真的等不及赶上一次了!
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