All rights reserved © Y. Xing

Orionid meteor (or satellite?) shower 猎户座流(卫?)星雨
The Orionid meteor shower peaks on 10/21, but I'm shooting on the early morning of 10/18 because it's the weekend and weather forecast for 10/21 is not great. Supposedly not a huge difference because the estimate for 10/21 is ~18 meteors/hour and it is ~13 for 10/18. The light pollution where I live is a bigger problem. Many fainter meteors would have been inundated. Just see how few stars are visible. I can only claim one meteor with confidence from 300+ shots. Satellite trails are abundant on the other hand. So here is the lone meteor and a bunch of satellites.


Aperture: 2.8Shutter: 10
ISO: 3200Flash: Off
FL: 25 mmLens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM

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