September 25 - October 13, 2018, trip to California.

19 days, 3000 miles, 6 national parks (Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Sequoia, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Channel Islands), 3 cities (Los Angeles, Monterey, San Francisco), temperature range: 30's to 90's, elevation range: -280 ft to 9500 ft, weather: you name it, sun, wind, cloud, rain, fog, ice/small hail. How much did we like it: 100%!

19天,4836公里, 6个国家公园(优胜美地,国王峡谷,红巨杉,死亡峡谷,约书亚树,海峡群岛),3个城市(洛杉矶,蒙特雷,旧金山),温度范围: 几度到三十几度,海拔变化:-85到2895米,天气:晴,雨,风,云,雾,冰渣/小冰雹。对这次旅程的喜欢程度:百分之百!

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